Totally dedicated to the artists' publication as an alternative form of exhibition, TBOOKS offers a platform for "the little paperproject". TBOOKS COLOGNE publishes short-run artists' books and limited edition zines.
Everything is going more virtual these days. TBOOKS stays paper. So you'll never find a publication online. The publications are handmade in alternative print techniques and usually come in numbered editions of 100.

(Tim) lives, dances and draws in Cologne, Germany. He has a passion for books, zines and paper. If you've got any questions or would like to submit your paperproject or just want to write him some lines,- feel free to do so!
(Tim) currently stays in the Blue Hotel next to Villiers Terrace:
real: (Tim) TBOOKS / Turmstrasse 20 / 50733 Cologne
surreal: tbookscologne(at)gmx(dot)de

Publications of TBOOKS COLOGNE are part of the following collections:
- Archiv Artists´ Books and more, Munic, Germany
- Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library (Yale University), New Haven, USA
- BOOKLET Library, Tokyo, Japan
- Burg Giebichenstein University of Arts and Design, Halle, Germany
- Café Royal Books Pop-up library, Preston, UK
- Deutsche Nationalbibliothek, Frankfurt + Leipzig, Germany
- edcat, WorldWideWeb, here
- Hellenic Center For Photography Library, Athens, Greece
- HIP HIP Library, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Indie Photobook Library, Washington, USA
- Kunst- und Museumsbibliothek der Stadt Köln, Cologne, Germany
- London College of Communication, London, UK
- Marguerite Duras Public Library, Paris, France
- MHB, Cologne, Germany
- MoMA Library Artist Book Section, NYC, USA
- mumok Library, Vienna, Austria
- St. Patrick's Zine Library, Cologne, Germany
- Tate Library, London, UK
- Tyler School of Art Temple University/Artist Book Collection, Philadelphia, USA
- VOLUMES archive, WorldWideWeb, here
- Zentralinstitut für Kunstgeschichte, Munic, Germany
- Zine Lib Jutlandia, Aarhus, Denmark
- ZINES OF THE ZONE mobile library, Rezé, France
- Zineswap archive, London, UK